Peru’s Evil Jealous Psycho Witches

Wife was buying fruit at the market the other day from her regular vendor, who on this particular occasion told her that I’m chasing after another woman in the neighborhood.

“Está detrás de una joven,” were her precise words, according to wife.

This would normally prompt a nasty fight at home, but wife has come a long way in the maturity department. And she realizes that Peru if not all of Latin America is full of evil jealous psycho witches. Because this is not the first time it has happened.

Wife fired Ferreñafana a couple months ago, and our fourth and final maidservant told her, “Tu esposo te está engañanado.” Your husband is cheating on you.

Sidenote: if you aren’t signed up for the Expat Chronicles newsletter, you’re missing some of the hardcore stories which aren’t published here. Sign up this week and I’ll email you the last issue describing the firing of Ferreñafana.

Those two lying bitches from this year weren’t our first experience with this. Two neighbors from when we lived in Arequipa told wife the same thing.

All allegations are patently false. I’ve settled into the devoted husband/father role pretty well. There have been zero transgressions, not even flirting with the line. I’m happy in my family.

So what the hell is with all these psycho bitches making up potentially family-ruining lies? Are they pure evil?

The immediate instinct is to blame jealousy. Like crabs in a bucket pulling down the crab trying to climb out, they have to tear down their fellow Peruvian happily married to a big strong gringo who is always seen carting around the beautiful children. And of course it doesn’t help when the wife in question gives off a bit of a better-than-you vibe to anybody that’s not family.

But I’m not sure it’s jealousy alone. Well, it was in the case of the maidservant and at least one of the AQP cases, who claimed she herself was having sex with me. But in the others I think there may be a uniquely Peruvian femi-camaraderie at play.

Peruvian women (and men) are said to be more possessive and jealous, in addition to being, ahem, abusive in their being possessive and jealous. I’ve experienced it firsthand, and fortunately for me it’s on the way out.

But I’ve seen it in other couples, sometimes the man but usually the woman. And after this latest false accusation I had the idea that maybe this fruit vendor woman is one of these psycho evil bitches too. Maybe she thinks she’s doing my wife a favor. Maybe it’s some fucked-up kind of femi-bonding in Peru. Lamenting the bastards they married, whether they’re guilty or not.

Your bastard is chasing around a really young one, poor bastard. Let’s commiserate. You should scream at him when you get home, maybe break some glass.

That’s my idea. What do you think? Jealous evil bitches, or masochistic femi-bonding?

Peru recently made world headlines when contestants in its national beauty pageant denounced violence against women.

According to the New York Times:

“My measurements are 2,202 cases of feminicide reported in the last nine years in my country,” Ms. Canicoba, a contestant for the Miss Peru pageant said into the microphone on Sunday …

As women in the United States have spoken out in recent weeks against sexual abuse by men in Hollywood, the media and government, the beauty pageant in Peru has ignited its own wave of debate this week in a part of the world where violence against women is more extreme by many statistics.

In fact, the killings of women have become so numerous in Latin America that newspapers refer to them as feminicide …

All told 23 women offered statistics of violence instead of their body size to wide applause from the audience.

This display comes one year after the Ni Una Menos demonstration which saw 50,000 people march in downtown Lima against violence toward women. In the lead up to that, a group of dudes organized a Ni Uno Menos Facebook group (non-Spanish speakers, note the gender “Una” is a woman, “Uno” is a man) which tried to hold a march, but apparently nobody went.

I know that a shocking percentage of women in Peru and greater Latin America are battered, and I don’t want to take away from the Ni Una Menos message. But the fact that there is a reaction calling attention to abused men … says something.

The picture is Rosita Espinosa of The Walking Dead, the smokin Latina who falls for the big strong ginger, Abraham Ford. After he is killed, she lives to avenge his death. I couldn’t help myself.



  1. Colin, my Colombian wife thinks that other women do this because they want the couple to split up and then they can try to claim the ex-husband for themselves. I guess they take that approach if they can’t seduce you (and me) into being unfaithful. In my case they probably think I would die soon and leave my money (a small amount) to them and their children. LOL. They probably see you as another rich American in Peru and you would give them an easy life if you were their husband. My wife is also getting better about her unreasonable and unfounded jealousy, but she can still improve in that area.


  2. Oh wow yes Peruvian women are all jealous of a woman who has a white man by her side because white men are superior right? And we are all jealous and possesive and crazy so us Peruvian wome. Have no right to fight against abuse because well we are all crazy bitches. You have met what how many Peruvian women?What the hell? What an ignorant post making these assumptions of how “Peruvians are crazy”. What gives you the right to write posts like these? This is offensive and ignorant.


    1. But sadly… it is true. Most, if not all Peruanas are somewhat jealous and display this in a variety of ways, including violence and psychological abuse. Been witness to it and also a victim of it.


  3. I first hand has the misfortune of dating as Peruvian; As an intellect it was obvious she was psychologically damaged and refused to acknowledge there was an issue.
    They take advantage of you and even if your great looking and have it all, they are socially and mentally unable to have a long term relationship. But before its all done they will take what they can offering nothing and the coldness they exhibit is why American men should stay far away form them. I would estimate 80% of women from the country are literally delusional or have a high level of psychosis.


    1. Richard, thanks for wrting that. I was married to a Peruvian woman. While we were blessed with a son, I found out withing 7-9 months of marrying her, that she had issues. Nothing I could do for her was good enough. One should be very careful of marrying a woman from that country,,,,


      1. I am a white man from California. I have been married for 20 years and yes, my wife is from Lima. At the age of 18, she pack her bags and moved to California. In the beginning, we could not keep our hands off each other. At age 46, she hit menopause. Our sex life now is at an end. She is and has always been moody. When we fight, she is psychologically abusive. Knowing now who she is and the way she acts!!! I wish that first date and the last day we saw each other. There is another key aspect that has not been talked about. I am a lover of Jesus. I am a Christian. She is not. How I wish that I MARRIED A WOMAN WHO LOVES JESUS AS I DO. Life would be so much much better. You must have your verical relationship right with the Lord and your horizontal relationships are so much better.


    2. I am an American woman and I can attest to this.My ex & his family were extremely jealous and competitive.They used passive aggressive tactics of emotional abuse & manipulation towards me & refused to accept our relationship solely because I’m not Latina.I unfortunately was also physically abused by him.From my personal experience almost everyone that I’ve met whom are born or raised in Peru behaved this like this in one way or another.From what I saw they tend to only trust & respect their family of origin and have major issues with control and delusions of grander what is ready a deep sense of inferiority


    3. This post was spot on 100% accurate and then some…. I just went through this myself.. You can give 110% of yourself to her and her entire family…. And you will walk away with knives hanging out of your back… They will turn on you in an instant. The whole experience was nothing but drama based on an unreasonable shitty character… They are the most vindictive, toxic, jealous, and parasitic women I have ever put my heart into… They are verbally and psychologically abusive… They are master manipulators… And they think just because they have a hole between their legs they are owed the world…. Like a vending machine, only when your money is going into them will they be somewhat functional. In other words, they will make your life a living hell… You’ll realize that you were much better off without them.. They are fucked in the head and I think it’s due to the culture.. You’ll never break through it. Just leave the bitch alone. She is her own worst enemy.


  4. I live in Florida. I dated a Peruvian man for about 5 months. It was not a committed relationship. When I told him I was dating another he raped me. Stay away from them. No respect from women


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